Sure, it's easy to say I know I'm not God - I mean it looks obvious and all, but what about all the times I play out a role of little pretend goddess?
All the Ways I Think I'm God
- When I can't resist the urge to give advice, just sure it will change someone's life instantly.
- When I think that my worrying and fretting (or pre-worrying, as my sister calls it), will change the outcome of tomorrow, the future, the distant future, and the destiny of everyone and everything.
- When I can't accept not knowing.
- When changing my mind is out of question.
- When I insist on my plans and schemes - without possibility for interruptions and detours.
- When I have to be important. When deep down I'm terrified that I'm insignificant, and I try to make up for it.
- When I argue my right to be right, and think that rightness earns me bonus points.
- When I act as if God can't run the world without me.