Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Day

Voices much more eloquent than mine speak of truth and justice. All I know is that when I was a little girl, I lived in a multiracial neighborhood, and my first crush was my five-year-old neighbor. It never occurred to me that being different colors meant anything.

Alan lived next door at Lakeside Apartments. His skin was shiny and smooth and beautiful. He had a round smiley head topped with short, black fuzz and when he talked, his head moved in a peaceful way. We were racing matchbox cars in the dirt between the sidewalk and the green wet grass. I wanted to see what his dark, smiley face would kiss like. His cheek was soft and smelled like toothpaste.

You who claim to love your fellow human, understand that if it isn't color blind, it isn't the love of God. Children are lovers. (Be like little children, said Jesus.) They know the truth of this.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cerebrating or Celebrating?

I was bewailing a writing contest that I didn't place in. And then I began scrutinizing, overscrutinizing, and judging my writing. Then it came to me: I was cerebrating versus celebrating.

Cerebrating is a symptom of overdoing. I am struggling for power, giving too much credence to the thoughts of my own little brain. But when I replace the growly "r" in cerebrate with the very gentle "l" (even the sound of the letter - "elle" is feminine and yielding), then I am able to celebrate. Letting go of results, and enjoying the moment.

I have so much to celebrate, but I lose sight of this when trying to achieve a certain outcome. Once I stop having to be control, and start celebrating, it's a wonderful thing.

Ordinary People Who Know Things

"The moments you are fully present are the ones you remember." --Jean, in my centering prayer group